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How many times have you looked at a report and wished it sorted differently? With our Stored Procedures you can copy over one of our MS-RDL and change or add the Grouping in the report. This will change the sort sequence in the report.

Your modified reports can use the same screen as ours. Your reports can be added to our Report Control, Report Interface and Menu. This is all possible because you have Complete Source Code to everything.

Even better, how often have you seen a report and wished you had that data in Excel. In Excel, you can do many different things that we never thought of. You can use our Stored Procedure as the Query source for your Excel spreadsheet. Modify the data and subtotal the data as you wish in Excel to meet your presentation needs. Create Graphs or Pie Charts or whatever else Excel supports.

All this is possible since you have Complete Source Code!
Ad Hoc Reporting